Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So I whipped out our juicer in the hopes that I would start "gettin' healthy". Long story short- tasty juice/lots of work. So, let me explain myself. I planned out a few recipies. Got the juicer out of the cupboard. Went shopping at Whole Food with Rorie. Made the juice. And drank it.

Well... here's the deal. I spent a whopping $17. And all that green went right into this drink. Which I then drank all of in one night. That's an expensive green drank. I also got really hungry after- caved- and had a bowl of cereal (one of my downfalls- which also include brownies and Reece's Puffs). I also worked my butt off to clean that dang juicer. A dishwasher would be ideal.

So even though the juice was good- this might not be the time to start juicing for health. I'd love to do it in the future... but really- I have to focus on my babe right now.

Mean Green Juice:
-6 kale leaves
-1 cucumber
-4 celery stalks
-2 green apples
-1/2 lemon
-1 piece of ginger

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