Saturday, January 11, 2014


i hate the last few days of a trip. for some reason my body cannot just enjoy it. i am in a constant state of anxiety. i want to pack. i want to organize. i want to just get to the awful part of walking away from my family onto a plane over with. just to get it all over with. to move on. to get out of this state of being uncomfortable. this happens before a trip, so really i'm never shocked that i feel this way. i've come to expect it. but, it really doesn't make it any easier. ever.

rorie and i will leave bangkok tomorrow night. she came down with a horrible sickness before we left chicago. and right now, she's at least happy. she's not 100% healthy. so i'm not really looking forward to another two flights and a long layover with a baby who has diarrhea. it's just really no fun for anyone. and she's been dealing with this for a month now. we are all ready to be healthy again.

all in all… this has really been the best trip. i have so much enjoyed just being in thailand. speaking thai, eating at our local restaurants, just living. we went to the beach twice during this trip. once with aaron and once without him. and i really miss my other half. it will be really nice to tag team this parenting thing with him once again. to just be in the same room again!

so, there are such wonderful things to a trip like this ending. like being reunited with my love...the father of my babies. i don't really want to think about the sad things… like leaving my parents and gracie. i think i'll be very grateful once i'm home in chicago and able to process everything fully. because right now it's just too much.

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